Den nemmeste vej til København….
Der går en bus fra campingpladsen til Ishøj station. Den går hver halve time. Tiderne fremgår på vores informationstavle ved receptionen. Man kan ikke betale med kort i bussen kun kontanter. I kan også gå til stationen, der er 1,2 km. Når I går ud fra campingpladsen og går til højre vil der være skilte hele vejen til Ishøj station.
Fra Ishøj station går toget hele tiden imod København. I kan købe billetter på stationen eller hente den app ned der hedder DOT. Ved stationen finder I også indkøbsmuligheder.
Rigtig god tur til København…..
The easiest way to Copenhagen….
There is a bus from the campsite to Ishøj station. It goes every half hour—see times at the informationboard at the reception. You can not pay by card in the bus only coins. You can also walk to the station. It is 1,2 km away. You just go out of the campsite and turn right. Then follow the sign to Ishøj station. From Ishøj Station, the train goes all the time and ends at midnight.
You can buy train tickets at the station, there is a 7-eleven shop or a maschine. We call for a 24.hour ticket (citypass large) if you do not have a Copenhagen card. You can bring the bike in the train at this ticket. To Copenhagen by bike there is 18 km you can go with the watersite all the way. You will also find the supermarket here.
Have a good trip to Copenhagen…..